Many of you who are reading my blog may be a lot younger than I am and I would like to give some advice on owning a home. It doesn't matter where you want to live, your dream home could be here in Hawaii or in Buford, Wyoming it will cost money. You are never too young to start saving for a house. Whatever job you hold or side money you make, you should put at the least 10% and at the most 20% + of that money in a account designated for your future house. I would encourage anyone, to have a goal of paying off your house in cash. On that same note, you are never too young to start saving for retirement either, always say "yes" to a 401(k) from your employer and if they don't sponsor one, open your own IRA (5-10% of your paycheck i would suggest you contribute).
- pay off all debts (if can't afford a decent down payment than that is a sign you can't afford a house)
-set a goal of how much your future house will cost and start saving
(example: $100,000 home cost save $1000 a month )
-Budget your current living expenses
(always have a plan for each dollar you make ; Make $1000 a pay check - 25% to car/gas/food 25% bills 10%entertainment 10% emergency fund 10% retirement 20% to future home savings)
Here is a story I read on a Dave Ramsey website:
Starting small
Matt W. from Chattanooga, TN, bought his first home—a 1939 two-bedroom
foreclosure—with a $19,000 cashier’s check. It wasn’t in the best part
of town and needed a lot of TLC, but Matt and his new bride poured a lot
of sweat into renovating it. Their hard work and patience paid off.
Last year, they sold their honeymoon cottage for $64,000!
Just some advice I wanted to share, I wish someone told me this when I was younger.