Friday, March 25, 2016


It has been an eventful week leading up to Easter, with U.S.' presidential race DRAMA, POTUS' visit to Cuba and the attack on Belgium it was hard for me to stay focus on my blog.  I thought "hey why don't I research Belgium"?

Hannes Coudenys, 33 is an internet blogger who also wrote a book after his blog about some houses in Belgium caused a buzz.  His book is titled "Ugly Belgium Houses".   Click on the link and below, to see the homes.  I don't think they're "ugly" but they are quite unique.

Brussels is the capitol city of Belgium.  It's located in the heart of Belgium. They have shops & cafes inside 17th-century guild hall/houses ( a hall used for guilds to have meetings) & 19th -century Maison du Roi houses the Musee dela Villa de Bruxelles history museum and much more.  I will definately visit Belgium.

Guild Hall / House